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Seven years. Growing up, I knew the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christian tradition harped heavily on the all-significant “7-year remembrance date” after a person passes. It loomed as a super important commemorative event, but as it now is for me, with a love and longing for so vast for my departed one, how can any year matter more than another? I knew biblically the number seven was a revered number by God, and because the Word is the lens through which I live life, I figured I’d delve deeper into why this is so and share a little of what I learned with you.

Seven is a number that many times represents completeness, something that is finished, divine fulfillment, and perfection, according to God. There is a sacredness to the number and He wondrously communicates this throughout the Bible (starting with the very first Book).

To that end, there is also a sense of culmination— a journey that requires one to go through 1-2-3-4-5-6 to get to 7. The journey towards completing. The Bible Project beautifully describes “seven” as representing harmonious order of God’s world. And when referring to the Creation story, the journey from darkness and disorder into a completeness and wholeness ends at seven.

I try to see the fullness of this symbolic number and just why God’s widespread use of it isn’t a coincidence. If anything, as a person whose whole being yearns for their mom, the seven-year point is a marker of sorts. Knowing what I know, it’s a pointed reminder for me that the Lord is the master of order, and of all of time. To be reminded without end (here, in increments of seven 🙂) that only He is in charge & all-knowing of this cumulative journey that leads to freedom.

May this God keep my mom in the highest of heavens!

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  • Debbie Alamrew December 16, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    This is so beautifully written Meroniye. May God always keep His hand of protection over you and May you always feel your mother’s spirit as she continues to guide you! Love you sis ❤️❤️❤️

    • admin December 17, 2021 at 6:12 pm

      I so appreciate it, especially coming from you! Thank you sis, Amen 🙏🏾 I love you!

  • Rekik December 16, 2021 at 9:22 pm

    I never knew the depth of number 7, but what a beautiful piece of writing to learn about its importance.

    I pray that even in the dips, you continue to feel & know she’s right beside through your own journeys. Love love love you 🤍

    • admin December 17, 2021 at 6:11 pm

      Thank you so much sis, I appreciate it your kind words. Amen, I do and pray for that as well! I love you so much!

  • Addis December 17, 2021 at 1:12 am

    Very beautiful Meron, thank you for sharing this. 7 feels like a completion but I think with the infinite-ness of God, a new (yet the same) journey starts again at 1. One that still carries files from the past but is much better equipped to store and run with them.

    • admin December 17, 2021 at 6:16 pm

      Thank you so much sis, I appreciate you reading it! Wow, starting again at 1 in the way you put it is such an awesome and profound way of looking at it. I love that and agree!