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Lifelines for Grief

In the early days, weeks, months, years of grief, grappling with what life-altering event happened can leave you breathless and helpless, especially if you’ve never prior experienced a kind of immeasurable depth of loss. When I lost my best friend/soulmate (my mom) 5 years ago, I did not know many people, let alone friends/peers, who lost their mother at a young age. In my greatest sorrow (as a caregiver and afterwards), I scoured for, and was recommended, resources that validated my feelings, let me know that I wasn’t alone, and attempted to give articulation to all that I felt. Ecclesiastes 3:4 tells us there’s a time to mourn—if you are in that season, consider these accessible ways to (in the most simple of terms, for me) survive. I know that grief is forever lived with so even after this acute season, these are lifelines for as long as I shall live.

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